Purissima Cemetery - Half Moon Bay, CA

Next Investigation  
Investigated: May 11, 2021 Haunted?   Yes - Residual.

Site Details

This was our third visit back to this location. It is the cemetery for small settlement from the mid 1800s. We found it changed considerably from our last visit, having been bought by a preservation society and cleaned up with space for new graves added. It rather ruined the historic feeling of the location where we had to hunt to find the graves before. That said, it is more open and less risky for ticks and snakes. The site is easily accessible now with a path throughout as now.

Personal Experiences

We still did not have much of an active response at this site. There were some possible low-grade EVPs, but nothing seemingly willing to openly communicate. It has a week residual haunting.


(ambiguous voice), You missed it.
There's a light whisper followed by a different voice that is more clear, perhaps referring to us walking past them?

This is just a low whisper you can hear while we walk. Cannot make out what it is saying, but it's two syllables.

Photo Evidence

