Private Residence- Santa Cruz, CA

Next Investigation  
Investigated: Oct 23, 2010 Haunted?   Yes. Intelligent & Residual.

Site Details

For privacy reasons, the site location and details will be kept confidential. The investigation loation is a private residence.

Personal Experiences

During the investigation, we really did not encounter anything too unusual. The bedroom area, which turns out later to be an EVP hot-spot, had high EMF base reading all over, compared to the rest of the house. All the IR and multi-spectrum video came up clean except for a few glitches on the laser grid, which we ended up dismissing as related to battery issues. One member of the team felt a different energy in the room, but aside from that, we had no personal experiences or interactions (that we knew about at the time).

When we started to review the audio evidence from the recorder that was left in the bedroom, we heard what sound like very faint whispers. It was raining outside at the time and the sound of the raindrops did cause our minds to do audio matrixing, causing the rain to sound almost like whispers. However, after increasing the audio db levels and filtering out background frequencies, we were amazed at what we had actually captured. We didn't have the usual EVP evidence that's a word here and there; we had numerous spirits communicating for the entire length of the recording. Since we had limited time at the residence, we only had thirty minutes of recording, but within that time frame, it clearly defines a scene that is replaying some point in time. When we go into the room and start asking questions, we get clear responses from the spirits there. They even talk about us as being in passage. Interestingly enough, there's even references made by them indicating that they believe they are in a horrible dream. The insight obtained from this is just astounding and profound.

Due to the entire audio recording being EVPs, we had to split this into rough 30 second clips with our interpretation of the dialog. You will quickly hear that there are several spirits there throughout with unique voices. Some are very deep male, some are whispery faint female, and there's even voices which have actual sound behind that as if they were real people there. We've processed these the best that we can, sometimes having to change pitch or speed of a section to determine what's being said. There are names spoken repeatedly which can be identified as the main people there. The building, or at least part of it, used to be a type of medical center. Voices that are common throughout are those of surgeons (which they refer to themselves as numerous times), and nurses. There are also children being housed there, either as patients, or a type of day car perhaps. It's not clear exactly what is happening, but they are working a lot of people after a type of disaster, followed by a murder. We are merely "spying" on them during this time through our recorder. Once we enter the room, they communicate with us and are very aware of our presence. They even refer to our recorder as the gateway between us and they move closer to it to talk. They refer to us being in passage and some do not wish to partake in communicating to us, while others do. They seem to be aware that they are dead because they mentioned how it's hard to talk about one's murder and they're inside a dream. This is probably all beyond our level of understanding. The EVPs do not seem to be fully continuous, the time seems to "jump" around or almost fast-forward to different scenes. The fact that they go from residual to intelligent response indicate this is a type of "time slip" case.

Please review the collection of EVPs for yourself and let us know if you have any different interpretation of parts. Any reference to our location has been scrabbled, but the audio is other-wise uneditted (except for the background noise removal).


"Maybe she can try it once already." "They're talking about us over here." [investigators talking] "(Hold up.)" "Do we want some patches?" "I think over here." "I think we had this conversation. I'm pretty sure." "I'll take the next one." [investigator: do you think you still work here?] "I used to work here somewhere." "So that's why we lost Pete [or all speak]."
Part 13. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"However, we're gonna try it." "It's awkward." "That's alright." "It sounds like someone's (at the door)." "Turn off the lights." "Do we react?" [investigator: is there anyone here with me?] "Absolutely." "Is it a girl or a boy?" "Just a girl." "Sounds like it." "Let me answer her." "Don't talk with her." "It hurts when you talk to somebody about w hy he was murdered." "That's the (portal)." [loud breath into the recorder] "Right now? [voice is now right at the recorder]" [something taps the recorder] "You answer alone." "There's something else upstairs."
Part 14. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"It's just an awkward experience." "(I don't think it'll swerve.) [loud female voice, not an investigator]" "Whisper. Don't talk loud, so she can hear me; he's still talking." [loud breath into recorder] "Don't say anything." [investigators talking] "How's that?" [investigators talking again] "How's that getting back?" "It asked for it earlier [referring to us asking for a knock?]" "(No books)" "(No aqua)"
Part 15. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"We're not talking." [investigator: we're not here to hurt you] "(Clear your eyes)" "We're surgeons." "They're in a parallel world." "Don't repeat this." [investigator: make your presence here be known to us] "Aren't we already?" "You're in passage." "It's back." "I'm talking." "Instead I wonder, is she talking towards me?" [investigator: are you related to people living currently living here?] "I don't know"
Part 16. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"He lives in a nightmare." "You never want that.". "I hear a voice.", "Now it's okay." [investigator: tell us what your name is] "I'm called by Patrick." "How is he?" "Don't mention it." "I'm honored." "From a (podlibs)" "(George Smith?)"
Part 17. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"It's not our dream." "Go check her." "Or are these memories?" "It's ourd ream now." "Hello from (Christopher)." "...Dumas." "It's not focusing."
Part 18. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

[investigator: no provoking.] "Who cares." "We're not peaceful." [investigator: don't piss them off.] "Why don't you do it?" "Provoke [loud into microphone]" "Go ask her name." "There's two hot girls." "Get her, Motley." "You're an addict." "Let me." [loud sound from EMF meter] "That was (aurea)."
Part 19. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Does it feel real?" "It does." [EMF device again] "Go back. [loud]" "(Correct) [loud]" "(In place)" "Several of them." "They're back." "I'm not taking part in passage." "(Send them to Hell)", "They're all white. [or, they're alright]"
Part 20. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"What is it? [talking about our equipment?]" [investigator: can you make a knocking sound?] "I'll try it." "But you aren't in here."
Part 22. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Your own space." "Our voices record." [passing car] "We have midical in here." "I'm counting there. [note; there were three of us]" "We're fucked now." "(What's to throw)" "(Mackeral or Michael)" "(It's a ladder)" "That's medical supplies." "(?)'s prisoner's." "It's been quaint." "I'm on the road here." "Help me focus." "Inacceptable."
Part 23. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"It's not us." "(Less than two)" [investigator: can you tell us who you ar?] "(Bedford)" "Not all the guys are here." "Too old to write." [investigator: how old are you?] "Twenty-nine." "(Perhaps their parents are proud of them.)" [investigator: can you tell us your name?] "(Pattoman)" "You ain't no guy." "That's Paul (Pilgrah)" "(Tom Jourey)"
Part 24. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Come over here." "You're right." "You're in an office in Darren's house. [maybe Terrance]" "Let's knock." "It's November." "(Come out and tour)" "You narrate too much." "It'd be fun for us." "They're just girls." "In highschool. [note; we probably look young based on how we are dressed.]" "I don't think so, (Crewnick)." "To peak at you." "They're typical blondes alright." "They're too wise." "They're in show business."
Part 25. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Because we're housewives, ya hear those?" [investigator: can you tell me why you're here?] "Whisper for all of us." "Were you killed here?" "(To follow his crime.)" "He deserves as much." "(Whose crime?)" "Because of injury." [investigator: the rain almost sounds like whispers] "I'm talking to the girl." "My voice records."
Part 26. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"(Greg) wants a paper." "Thanks." "Who wants it?" "Your paper is next to Rob." "Make (Jo-jon) check." "May I do?" "Can you help me?" [loud car sound from outside] "Can you help me please?" "When Ryan comes back"
Part 1. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Hey (Snake), look at you." "Thank you, sir." "You're (wrong)." "Some mysterious work." "Maybe we can go to Rochester." "We might as well do nothing." "Hey (Jercore), what do you want?" "You're too rookie." "(Miss Merqueen)" "(Your racquets)" "Get her over here." [Loud grunt sound] "(Scrooge) said you wanted me?" "Yeah." "(Aquesha)"
Part 2. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Ryan set the scrip." "His heart is still...[interference]." "We're bankrupt." [investigators talking in background] "It's a medical..." "...certain kinds of good girls." "I'm sorry, but I think you should be ready to work. I'm ready sir. [very mechanical tone] [deep voice, can't interpret] "That's what your mom said."
Part 3. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Children are people." [passing car] "Rachel is helping out." "A pretty girl." [interference from our EMF meters] "Yes." "Is Ryan coming back quick?" "He should be." "...some girl."
Part 4. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Here comes the girls." "Ryan." [investigators talking in background] "His parents are not coming." "A depressant." "(Alright he's gone)" "Plus, he's an...[too faint]" "(Arrange it with Miss Harpendger)" "I'm try... [ambiguous]" "(Directs) wants your (raincoat)."
Part 5. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"(Hit a buck once.)" "Turn him towards me." "A girl at work here." "Can he handle his own? Right?" "He's in the magistrate." "Exactly." "Way too deep." "Everyone who's out there was looking torched."
Part 6. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"I warned you, pray." [investigators talking in background] "She heard it too." "Our picture was (ten years)." "How gory." "He loves her, geeze." "Are you rough just for working way too hard?" "No worries." "It's no worry. I heard a celebrity knows her."
Part 7. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Message for..." "Don't worry, he's back." "You can shock me." [passing car] "You're crazy. His light's on." "Don't take Ryan in here. [loud female voice]" "Some water. [loud]" "Drink it." "How can you patronize me? [very loud yelling, deep male]" [loud squeek by recorder] "We're poor here." "Someone's bitter." "It's (Corey). [loud]" "(You talk)" "At least I'm pretty sure I can do it." "I'm pretty sure it's hard." "A little girl can (write her dreams)."
Part 8. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"He didn't quite mean to." "Boo-boo's mad." "(Get him up)" "You're so mature." "You're the (sur de jour)." [click sound next to recorder] "Here comes (scorn and crier)." "I'm perfect" "Should I turn her all red?" "If you turn red." "Sta..." "This (gerter) is really bloody." "It's not quite there." "Plan it. [loud]" "It's way worse than it is." "I can see that." "I can swore it was (??) right in here." "There's so many children." "Really?"
Part 9. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"He's a monster in his (right)." "He's frugal." "(identical), that's who thinks he is." "He's a quarry man." "I'd like to drive his model car." "His mom's car is so (hard)." "You're a menace." "I'm sorry." "His mother is his focus." "I hate his attitude." "I know what bugs ya, eh?" "It's over." "Go up and pace." "Miller is a joker." "The whole place." "I stand by."
Part 10. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"It's awkard here." "You're too pretty to me." "I'm a real man." "(But you're short)" "You're mine (connect)." "Get him, (Car)." "(Hayden was wrong)" "There's one more man." "Too burnt to leave." "It hit him in the eyes." "Some more tobacco." [investigator talking in other room] "(Dryden isn't here)" "He's riding a grey (horse)." "Not too clear...(?)" "They're a cinch, eh?" [sound on phone ringing, but no phone rang.]
Part 11. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"He hires her first." "Just wait and prepare." "(The arms are all ready)." "It's no." "Adjacent." "(Turns her arms)" "Don't fix the knee." "He'll make it." "Where's the X-rays?" "It's hard to save the people." "What happened?" "(Rasmass)" [a bang sound] "(He's only interested in the people I told you about.)" "Year round?" "That's what Terry's talking about." "How do you handle this year round?"
Part 12. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"They touched me. [perhaps in reference to our EMF device picking up their energy]" "That must be nice." "Call her back."
Part 21. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"It's a zombie." [investigators joking about looking possessed] "That's not very likely." "There goes the Earth."
Part 27. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"(I smell dinner, right?)" "Are you calling them a threat? [followed by hissing laughter]" "Grow up." "(Medical)" "Just for an hour." "Is that supposed to (threat) me?" "Pat's closest."
Part 28. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"(The price of meat)" "Rachel, get out of the cold." "Your mom's here." [investigators talking] "Come out." "I hope you're right." "Spread out." "Her." "What?" [some weird audio disturbances] "Rachel."
Part 29. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"They're judging her." "(Let's part)" "Brutal." "Talk louder." "(They're better at medical wear)" "(Okra) go now." "I'll take it." "Wait, boss." "(Go check the boss, thank you.)" "Turn her over right now." "Says Jack." "They're not in here with us."
Part 30. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"(Is there a visit room?)" "(Come in here)" "Do not repeat your (pathogen)." "He probably needs rewards." "But Patrick (gets rewards)." "And the rest?" "To Hell..." [chirpy-recording sounds] "Let's call (Piper)." "She's a devote materal." "Resent." "He took my job." "I heard someone out there." "You're tying it up." "I'm trying to." "Guess is it's (Rob's mind)?" " in my mind, you have..."
Part 31. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"There's a lot of them left." "Timmy." "I was watching." "Did you think? He's only two months old." "(Exact words)" "(Pictures)" "(May I?)" "Please heal my brother." "IF it wants it to heal." "He wants it healed here." "It's always where he goes."
Part 32. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"What does that mean?" [faint talking] "Two days of voyage." "People will think you (...) a message." "Exactly." "Such a rumor... (?)"
Part 33. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"If you dare." "You talking to me?" "Is it worth..." "I'm watching." "Puts her in her kitchen, right?" "One of them is going mad." "I'll go ask her." "Go in the kitchen and ask her." "Are you stupid, (Terry)?" " he's here." "It's all a bit naughty." "Don't worry." "Take them for a chat." "You know her (face bumps?)."
Part 34. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Go ahead and sing a little bit." "(Humans at ease)" "But some work." "There's nothing that hard to do." "My arms are ready." "It's (Chernise)." "Once they're two." "It won't take this." "How many do you see?" "I see two at the moment." "I'm looking right at it." "Put your two (in the kitchen)." "It's gonna...[faint]"
Part 35. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Hide your chest." "Peter pass me a (bra?)." "Her parents are here." "You're making trouble." "They're parents of Rachel's son." "They must've paralyzed her." "Send them back the girl." "It's a little clearer now." "Try now." "Or you'll compensate." "Didn't you go in?"
Part 36. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Looks like mirages are here." "Peter (mirrors them out)." "There's a girl with red glasses and (?)." "There's a real portrait." "It's not because of her parents." "He's a bad .. (?)" [dogs barking] "Somebody's watching." "Her parents like to (bribe)." "Her parents are judging here." "(Go beg her)" "If you want." "(Jobs could be made.)" "Tell her you're allergic."
Part 37. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"You gonna tell me?" "(work here?)" "She doesn't work here." "Someone's cooking." "What's your reason why?" "It's hot." "Get a little lousier." "Looking." "(Put your palms in grease.)" "Incest." "(and the rest.)" "(Wheelchairs)" "Leaves her off for days." "He's inquiring about Adam." "He's off for the day."
Part 28. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"But it comes so clear." "But they're already infected." "But you are a (saint)." "Rachel went to inventory." "Shit." "Rachel." "Let it go." "This place is an absolute (?)." "Her parents are here." "All I hear is her words." "Maria." "It's okay." "Frank said you...(?)"
Part 39. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"It's just her (jaws)." "Shouldn't she be (adored?)" [car outside] "We're gonna get married." "What's he got?" "He's in the church." "What's he got?" "I'm practicing." "He's a happy guy." "Why the ruckus?" "I think he wants to know what is the two of you..."
Part 40. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"And she has a (model ties)." "He loves her." "Is dinner ready? [loud voice]" "But he said he wants.." "Two cute girls." "I don't know." "You took his words." "To be (octent?) [loud]" "Where is your family?" "Students are gonna get hired." "Is that (Coregan)?" "Some of those were really (real)." "Patrick"
Part 41. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Energy." "Pat." "(Directski?)" "To (move it)...weak." "Passing by." "Troy, get outta here." "I grace your (floor)." "It's not my house." "So move it, your other dreams." "How can you tell what's on your back?" [loud click] "Her parents are (scorpios)." "I was watching the old (girls)." "You're listening to them." "Is that what you mean?" "It's just a lonely (child)." [passing car] "Where is he?" "He's been working so much."
Part 42. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Let's give her payback." "Let's do." [loud bang] "What room was it?" "You're staying the rest of the night." "He's a doctor of pain." "Dear, he's counting on you to rest." "(Freshno) can you turn off the light?" "Not like that." "Show him." "You're not supposed to be here." "He'll be here in the morning." "Tomorrow." [weird gurgling sound]
Part 43. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"I heard about the (tattle), is he okay?" "It's (?) his injury." "It's many." "A problem." "(Pattern)" "Emphasis." "Which is?" "Dear, dear God." "He made it better." "He's been (harassing) the girl." "Hit him super hard." "What happened to him, (Tom)?" "He took (Cole) (and tore her knee)." "He has control." "What's to eat here?"
Part 44. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"I'll give you a (red)." [static outburst] "Come here." "Trouble" "(Pretty strong.)" "Direct him to a chair." "I gave him back a chair." "Are you Terrance's (brain?)" "You're a (catapult or cannibal)." "There are children in the next room." "The meat will all but phase me out." "Someone has to grudge me." "The children ring." "There is an actual horror film."
Part 45. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"(Don't wait.)" "He's not saying (the pass is free)." "I don't care. Whoever turns..." "(It's broke.)" "The (Menans) are getting tight. [loud and angry]" "Is it clear here?" "(Maybe.)" "We're in emergency code." "Patrick's here." "(It's terrible.)" "It's bad." "How's the electric?" "It's great to have some actually." "(I'm trying to lose a bet.)" "(Tony always does submit.)"
Part 46. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"It's half (quarters or coroners)." "Come here a second." "(I'll pay if you consider it.)" "(Don't do it. Don't listen to her.)" "It's a ruckus." "There's children in here." "(Perhaps, I want to.)" "Ed wants to prepare here." "Ed won't (be long)." "I hate the children's parties." "They won't be long." "The children are looking." "We might as well leave her here." "Leave her in the hall right here." "(Achee)"
Part 47. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Sit her over (here)." "It's California." "Despicable." "Apparently he is." "You just have to help me." "A measure of gesture." "Very oddly." "Her wounds are deep." "It's more injured." "Damn." "Water her shirts." "There's blood on the carpet." "Leave her corpse (on it)." "What did you do to her?" "Hide it." "Might as well tell (Goron)." "Would you please (help me)?" "(Brings me out a little chair.)"
Part 48. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"She's not a (tur..)" "Absolutely." "(Her name's Examona Chore.)" "(Eckmond's here.)" "Seems exhausted." "He worked here." "He runs a presence here." "I'd like to dispose of this." "None of your business." "Why do you keep (peckering) me?" "As long as he cures him." "I'm not giving that one to (Lars)." "Commissionar (Gord)" "He's over in (Pasner)." "That's why he went to (?)." "Fuck."
Part 49. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"They're lucky they're here." "(He paired up a cure)." "Not so (cheesey)?" "What magic is here?" "I have no ideas." "(You're talking too deep.)" "Go find one." "Customary." "Go catch up with Elizabeth." "Where at?" [passing car] "We're after it." "Once Ryan gets here."
Part 50. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Rachel." "She's here." "We're dying in here." "We don't need her help." "I've had it with you kids." "His temper is...(?)" "Squeeky." "Rachel how do you prefer (women)?" "How can you call that?" "Rachel wants some help." "We're right here." "It moves her." "What rings?" "It's not like he chooses it." "That's how she raises her, I'd be sure." "That's how she raises... [turns into static screaming]" "He's for a (hand out)."
Part 51. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Did she (threaten)?" "Retreat to my house." "(James.)" [weird loud vibration sound] "How do you hit a girl?" "Take her." "She's too..." "Go check the girls." [dogs barking] "They are present." "(Zero protect)" "Go to them." [dogs barking] "What's happening?" "I heard some girls." "Tony." "Are you a doctor?" "Don't touch it." "He's here." "Lucky."
Part 52. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"A child protector." "All of this for nothing." "Let's do (five more hits)." "Process it." "We're not going to process the (six or sex)." [investigators talking] "Help." "His question is..." "It's not for us." "Did you tell the girl?" "I'm watching." [click next to recorder] "Are the children still here?" "Get out."
Part 52. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"How did you manage this far?" "It's desperate." [investigator talking] "She's back." "Talk to her in the room." "Pat knows." "It's a (teaper?)." "Trevor is a ..." "That's what the team [turns into loud static]" "It's lost." "Who chose it?" "Maybe if we all concentrate." "Take it down." "It's a woman sitting." "Hope."
Part 54. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Stop." "Is she gone yet?" "She's right over (there)." "(Show me)" "I've had it up to here." "Same old things are (happening now)." [dog barks] "Get her outta here." "Her ears are bruised and burnt." "Take it off." "Because of bacillus." "He's having (orgeism) alright." [dogs bark] "Cover her face." "How bad is it?" "It's obvious."
Part 55. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Feel." "I'm so cold." "Put your hands over here." "Keep it (warm)." "(Good)" "(Somebody help me.)" "Get rest." "(Control)" "I know what she knows." "What is it?" "One of them was murdered." "She needs all (control)." "(Burns) here to drain her." "He does it." "He turned her and cleaned." "I'm not going to be part of this." "He walked out. [very loud]" "Lucky."
Part 56. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Happens when you stay." "It's only small children." "Many of them are girls." "Many are (orphans)." "Get your (super letters?)" "That ends here." "You must get the (addresses) ready." "The mountains here." "Ha." "The (Mennons) are already to reach." "Let's go around his house and tree." "Cole has a key." "Draw your own picture." "...we're ready." "(Go east.)"
Part 57. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Only a child.", "Never." "(You old slacking whore.)" "I think it's a cherry." "(Promise.)" "(Hallowed), you're way too cruel." "(Hallowed) glory." "Get (Aunt Tamaro) to (Pardy's) house." "...then back to (Tillie's)." "I'm looking for (Jim Nayze)." "He's probably on the old state routers." "Hemingway." "Don't tell him." "Wasn't his (pap?)." "This is a warning. [very loud]" "I should go." "In your parent's room." "One second." "They hate her."
Part 58. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"And take the paper and (draw over) it." "(Hear Nick's powers.)" "Sign it." "Did you change (my real name)?" "No, they're orders." "Where's the sign?" "Maximum steam (girl hat?)." "How greedy." "Check." "I'm looking for Hartway Miller." "A (turnkeney), right?", "Get your emergency check." "It'll take a second." "Who has time but modest here?" "Your mother's here." "Take one (atmapher)."
Part 59. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"(Matt to follow.)" "Is that ready?" "Go ask her if we're in her way." "Continuing to (storm a bit)." "Convince a problem." "I don't know, when can we go?" "Where are the (Howerbers)?" "It's the white one, looks just..." "Go help him." "Arrange it. [very real, loud voice]" "I'll go help him then." "(Daroom), it's not your turn." "Make it up to tomorrow night." "(Have you versed it?)" "I'll explain the rest to you." "Amy, push them."
Part 60. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"Glenn, right?" "Take (Zachlin's) brothers." "He's in the office. [very loud male]" "(He guards his misses.)" "Timmy's gone (up broad)." "What happened to the rest?" "Just them." "Help me." "Answer me why." "Dear, 'cause we're surgeons." "Just the Great Ones were." "Turn her up." "Please hire a recorder." "Did (someone) need to die? [real-like voice]" "(Kip.)" "Only Walton." "The lady drowned her husband." "...the jury." "What's her name?"
Part 61. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"(Marceau)" "Who's that?" "(Chin) has her." "Call her." "The Chinese house her." "Nutty." "Rest your ear." "Here comes some pain." "I was encouraging." "We're a man down." [loud bang] "We're working here." "Hand them some cool (whip?)." "What's your name?" "Look at more people." "They're teenage girls." "You're (something) and some are rich." "Some actual diagrams." "Get over here. [thumping against recorder]"
Part 62. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

"What was that?" "Tracer." "He thought he'd need her." "She's not a threat." "Our processes are made dirty?" "No, but that hurts." "(I purged.)" "I need to go home at lunch." "You're our surgeon." "We're getting to you, Rubin." "Who's our (?) monkey?" "It's me." "Honest." "SSSsssomebody was killed here." "Killed her with his (pad)." "At work. (Chere Monaski, Chere)" "How could you, (Elkenyo)?" [investigator walking nearby]
Part 63. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.

[investigator nearby, packing up] "Are you using the recorders?" "(She hid them.)" "They're all lies." "At least they'll help me." "They'll close." "They're both (aryan sis?)." "Do what you like." "At least their minds exist." "I'm a little (alcoholist)." "He's not group ready." "Patrick." "(Reminds me of him.)" "At least he (co-operates)." "(I don't want...)" [end recording]
Part 64. Parenthesis indicate best-guess or phonetic interpretation. Brackets are used for notes. Quotations differentiate speaking entities.
